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TFTAK Launches Project KAVATECH to Develop Technology for Producing High-Quality Plant-Based Protein for the Food Industry


Shifting dietary habits towards healthier and more environmentally friendly products is becoming increasingly important. One solution is the wider use of plant-based proteins in the food industry, as their environmental impact is significantly lower compared to traditional animal protein production. However, there are several challenges regarding the taste, nutritional value, and processing of plant-based proteins, which the project KavaTech aims to address.

Enhancing the Quality of Plant-Based Protein Powders

The goal of the project KavaTech is to develop new technologies that allow to produce  protein powders  with improved taste and nutritional value. From a nutritional perspective, the aim is to reduce the content of anti-nutrients (e.g. phytic acid, tannins, and lectins) and minimize FODMAP carbohydrates, which can cause digestive issues. To achieve these new properties, fermentation technology will be utilized. This approach will enable the modification of protein powder composition and properties without the need for additives, eliminating off-flavors rather than masking them.

The raw materials selected for the high-quality plant-based protein powders are pea and fava beans. Both of these crops are widely grown in Northern Europe, ensuring a short supply chain from farm to consumer. Additionally, peas and fava beans stand out among other widely used plant protein sources for being non-allergenic and suitable for people with food intolerances.

TFTAK aims to develop technology that is characterized by low water usage, minimal energy consumption, and has little effect on product pricing. The project will also explore methods for producing protein isolates without using chemical acidification.

Fermentation as the Solution

The fermentation technology to be used in the project will focus on improving taste characteristics and reducing the mentioned anti-nutrients and FODMAP carbohydrates—important factors for individuals suffering from irritable bowel syndrome.

Preliminary trials conducted at TFTAK’s laboratory have demonstrated that fermentation has reduced the off-flavors and bitterness of pea protein isolate by up to 70% compared to conventional processing methods.

Collaboration with Research Partner METK

TFTAK's partner in the project is the Centre of Estonian Rural Research and Knowledge (METK), which has extensive experience in crop research and breeding. In collaboration, the most suitable pea and fava bean varieties will be selected, meeting the agro-technical requirements and being optimal in terms of techno-functionality, nutritional composition and sensory properties. METK will also assist in growing the selected varieties in the quantities needed for the project.

Future Perspective

The project KavaTech will help meet the growing global demand for plant-based proteins by offering competitive solutions on the world market. The project's objective is to provide high-quality, healthy, tasty, and environmentally friendly plant proteins that are significantly more affordable than existing alternatives. The developed technology will open new opportunities for the use of alternative proteins in the food industry, reducing dependence on animal proteins and contributing to the development of sustainable food production.

The project is a significant step in enhancing plant protein processing and production capabilities, bringing solutions to the food industry with the potential to transform the global food sector. The project will run for 36 months and is supported by the EIS - thank you!


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