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Microbiological, chemical, physical and sensory analysis of food and method development - you name it! 

The Department of Analytics forms the backbone of TFTAK and provides an analytical platform to support all other projects. We have developed a set of analytical methods to cover inhouse and partner’s needs in microbiological, chemical, physical and sensory analysis of food. 




The strength of the department of Analytics and Metagenomics lies in a deep understanding of the methods that we have implemented.


Therefore, most of our work is focused on solving specific problems that cannot be resolved using simple, routine analysis. Contact us for collaboration and the development of specific analytical chemistry methods. 

We have been collaborating with Lallemand Incorporation in providing QC (quality control) analysis, for many years. In addition, we have developed QC and other methods for several other local and international food producers. 

For many years, we have been working with Lallemand Incorporation in providing QC (quality control) analysis. We have also developed QC and other methods for several other local and international food producers. 


We offer the following types of analysis: 

  • Chemical Analysis 

  • Physical Analysis 

  • Sensory Analysis 

  • Sequencing Facility 

Chemical Analysis

Chemical Analysis

Approach and Work


We focus on both the chemical analysis of foods as well as food ingredients, depending on your needs.


Some of the chemical analyses performed in our laboratory include: 

  • Analysis of free and total amino acids by LC-UV and LC-MS 

  • Sugars (glucose, fructose, galactose, sucrose, lactose, mannose etc) by HPLC or LC-MS (for lower and  trace concentrations)

  • Organic acids (lactic, acetic, formic acid, butyric, propionic, citric etc) by HPLC 

  • Nucleotides, nucleosides, and nucleobases by LC-MS/MS with labelled internal standards

  • Specific analyses for yeast products and supplements: thiols (GSH, g-glu-cys, Cys GSSG), sterols, cell wall polysaccharides (alpha-/beta-glucans and mannans) 

  • Water-soluble vitamins: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, folic acid, biotin free and bound forms by LC-MS/MS with labelled internal standards and B12, and vitamin C by LC-UV

  • Antinutrients in plant-based products (phytic acid by spectral and phytates by LC-MS methods with labelled internal standards, saponins by LC-MS and vicine/convicine by LC-UV) 

  • Specific analyses for plant-based products: Dietary fiber as total dietary fiber by the AOAC 2017.16 method, along with starch, fructans and beta-glucans; water and oil binding capacity

  • Antioxidants and polyphenolics in food samples - Total phenolic content (TPC), trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC) assay 

  • Profiling of volatile organic compounds by GC-MS

We also offer metabolomics monitoring of fermentation processes: 

  • Untargeted metabolomics of fermentation samples (LC-MS/MS based) to identify differences between their metabolite profiles 

  • Targeted analysis of extracellular metabolites and consumption of media components (sugars, SCFA, AA and vitamins) by HPLC, LC-UV, LC-MS/MS 

  • Peptidomics (peptide mapping and untargeted analysis) by LC-IMS-QTOF 

Physical Analysis

Physical Analysis

Solutions and



Physical analysis of food is often an important part of the product development process, which helps us design the optimal technology for new products. 

Physical analyses of food conducted at TFTAK include: 

  • Dynamic rheology testing by Anton Paar MCR301 rheometer (viscoelasticity, gelation, storage stability) 

  • Texture Profile Analysis by TA.XT texture analyzer 

  • Microscopy 

Sequencing Facility




Our metagenomics services include amplicon-based next generation sequencing (NGS) of 16S rRNA and ITS2 microbial regions and bacterial whole genome sequencing. 

We provide a microbial sequencing service of bacterial consortia by 16S rRNA and fungal composition by ITS protocols from wide spectra of sources, including, but not limited to, environmental, soil, plant, and food samples. We also offer small genomes Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) and shotgun sequencing service. 

We provide comprehensive customer NGS services, consultation, and research to develop optimized project protocols for any microbial community of interest. In our facility, we possess state-of-the-art iSeq 100 and MiSeq Systems (Illumina). 


We offer the following analyses: 

  • Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) services, including: 

  • Amplicon sequencing (16S rRNA & ITS) 

  • 16S Gut Microbiome Analysis 

  • Whole Genome Sequencing of small genomes 

  • Shotgun metagenome sequencing 

  • Microbe viability 

  • Molecular biology services: 

  • Microbe DNA/RNA extraction from different food, environmental and plant matrices 

  • Real-time PCR (SYBR Green qPCR and TaqMan) 

  • Microbe viability qPCR 

Our bioinformatic services consist of reference-assisted clustering, taxonomic classification, and diversity analysis with extensive data visualization. Upon request, we can determine live communities’ composition with their absolute quantification. 

Single samples to hundreds of samples can be sequenced and analyzed in rapid turnaround times. Different technological chains can be checked for quality or manufacturing conditions in order to evaluate the presence of bacteria or fungi, test microbiological parameters, or evaluate fluctuations in the processes. 

Sensory Analysis

Sensory Analysis



Sensory analysis services offered at TFTAK include: 

  • Trained sensory panels. Here at TFTAK we have trained sensory panels, who can assist with product innovation or ensure that the products are of the highest quality. We can help you from setting the objectives to data analysis and interpretation of the results. 

  • Panel training and consultations. We offer consultation services to help you set up or improve your sensory quality control system. We are happy to share our knowledge through training, which could be either public or customized to the needs of your company. 

  • Consumer studies. We can carry out consumer studies either in central locations or by using home-use tests, which include consumers according to your specific requirements. 

We also conduct aroma analysis, using GC-MS and GC-O: 

  • Aroma profiling. We conduct aroma analysis to compare the raw materials, analyze production processes, or to become acquainted with the competitors. We can offer a full profile of odor-active compounds or find out the ones with the highest impact on the sensory perception of your samples.

  • Off-flavor determination. If the chemical nature of an unwanted flavor is identified, it can be assigned to a specific production step, ingredient, material, or a chemical reaction. Consequential flavor enhancement, stability and shelf-life studies will guarantee the improvement of your product. 


Find the perfect solution to training your team of food professionals.

We offer both public and in-house custom training for food professionals with a focus on the product category, which needs your extra attention. 

  • Implementation of food sensory quality control systems. We can help our clients to look through their current quality control system in terms of sensory properties. We can find out the critical control steps and work out methodologies that will guarantee the quality of the product and are in accordance with capabilities and individuality of the consumer. 

  • Sensory evaluation training sessions and workshops. To find the latest information about our public training services, please make sure that you have liked our LinkedIn and/or Facebook page. 

Analytics services team is open for collaboration in challenging projects

"Our lab is equipped with world-class state-of-the-art instruments, and we can help you to characterise your product using modern technologies, and take your development to the next level."

Eeva-Gerda Kobrin, PhD

Head of Laboratory and Analytics

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